KB ID 1012507: "Error de base de datos general [9008]" Ocurre cuando ve la papelera de reciclaje de Laserfiche Client 8.1.x.


Al ver la Papelera de reciclaje en Laserfiche Client 8.1.x, puede recibir el siguiente mensaje de error:

General database error. [9008]

En el registro de eventos de Windows en el servidor de Laserfiche, es posible que aparezca una advertencia LFS con identificador de evento 10050 que es similar a la siguiente mensaje:

Database statement execution error encountered. Session ID: nnnn; Dialog ID: nnnnnnn; Repository: 'MyRepository'; CLI routine: SysRecycleBinOpenListing; Message: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.; SQL Statement: 'select c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,c16,c17 from(select top 500 c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,c16,c17 from(select top 78321 tocid as c1, etype as c2, case when (type = 1 or type = 2) and orig_name is not null then 'RECYCLE BIN' else orig_parent end as c3, deleted as c4, created as c5, deleter as c6, toc_uuid as c7, case when orig_name is null then parent_name else orig_name end as c8, trustee_name as c9, account_name as c10, edoc_mime as c11, edoc_ext as c12, type as c13, page_num as c14, page_count as c15, edoc_storeid as c16, file_size as c17 from global_recycle_bin where deleter is not null order by c1 asc) as q1 order by c1 desc) as q2 order by c1 asc'; SQL variable: ''; SQL State: 22003.

Este error se puede producir cuando la papelera de reciclaje contiene un documento que tiene más de 2147483647 bytes de datos de la parte de la página. Este problema no impide que la consola de administración de Laserfiche se muestre el contenido de la Papelera de reciclaje.


Actualización de la vista "global_recycle_bin" en la base de datos SQL Server para resolver este problema.

Nota: Este problema no afecta a las bases de datos de Oracle.

Descargue el siguiente archivo zip que contiene un archivo de comandos SQL. Las actualizaciones de los archivos de script de vista en la base de datos Laserfiche. Puede encontrar el link en la parte inferior de este KB

Nota: Por favor, DEtenga el servidor Laserfiche antes de ejecutar el script.

El Script contiene la siguiente instrucción ALTER.

alter view global_recycle_bin
tocid, etype, type, orig_parent, deleted, created, deleter, toc_uuid, parent_name, orig_name,
trustee_name, account_name, edoc_mime, edoc_ext, page_num, page_count, edoc_storeid, file_size
toc.tocid, etype, 0, orig_parent, deleted,
created, deleter, toc_uuid, NULL, orig_name, trustee_name,
account_name, edoc_mime, edoc_ext, 0, pagecount,
0, isnull(edoc_size, 0) +
(select isnull(sum(cast(img_size as bigint)),0) + isnull(sum(cast(txt_size as bigint)),0) +
isnull(sum(cast(loc_size as bigint)),0) + isnull(sum(cast(lft_size as bigint)),0)
from doc where doc.tocid = toc.tocid)
from recycle_bin join toc on recycle_bin.tocid = toc.tocid
left outer join trustee on recycle_bin.deleter = trustee.sid
left outer join account_cache on recycle_bin.deleter = account_cache.account_sid

union all
toc.tocid, etype, 1, doc.orig_parent, doc.deleted,
created, doc.deleter, toc_uuid, toc.name, recycle_bin.orig_name, trustee_name,
account_name, edoc_mime, edoc_ext, old_pagenum, 1,
storeid, isnull(img_size, 0) + isnull(txt_size,0) + isnull(loc_size,0) + isnull(lft_size,0)
from doc join toc on doc.tocid = toc.tocid
left outer join trustee on doc.deleter = trustee.sid
left outer join account_cache on doc.deleter = account_cache.account_sid
left outer join recycle_bin on doc.tocid = recycle_bin.tocid
where pagenum < 0

union all
toc.tocid, etype, 2, recycle_elec.orig_parent, recycle_elec.deleted,
created, recycle_elec.deleter, toc_uuid, toc.name, recycle_bin.orig_name, trustee_name,
account_name, recycle_elec.edoc_mime, recycle_elec.edoc_ext, 0, 0,
recycle_elec.edoc_storeid, recycle_elec.edoc_size
from recycle_elec join toc on recycle_elec.tocid = toc.tocid
left outer join trustee on recycle_elec.deleter = trustee.sid
left outer join account_cache on recycle_elec.deleter = account_cache.account_sid
left outer join recycle_bin on recycle_elec.tocid = recycle_bin.tocid

Aplica a:

Laserfiche Server - United (MSDE) 8.1
Laserfiche Server - United (MS SQL) 8.1

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